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Safety Index Detection

Among the risk factors there are 4 groups of harmful substances: 
- toxic elements;
- mycotoxins;
- Radionuclides and pesticides;
- GMO content or lack thereof.  
Toxic elements. 
This group of harmful inorganic impurities includes heavy metals: lead, cadmium, mercury, copper and zinc, as well as the toxic element - arsenic. Toxic elements tend to accumulate in human and animal organisms, causing toxicosis of varying severity over time. The main sources of these pollutants are industrial and economic activities of humans, pollution of the environment with wastes and emissions of industrial complex, as well as the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. 
Mycotoxins are toxic products of various mold fungi that can develop on suitable media due to plant diseases or abnormal storage conditions. Like heavy metals, mycotoxins can accumulate in humans and animals, causing severe liver damage. In addition, they are also potential carcinogens and show mutagenic activity. 
This group of risk factors includes two radioactive isotopes: strontium-90 and cesium-137. Both radionuclides have a great biological hazard, since they can accumulate in plants rich in potassium, as well as in the muscle tissue of animals. Accumulation of radionuclides in animals and humans leads to irradiation of the whole organism, causes the development of cancers of blood, circulatory system and musculoskeletal system. 
This is the most extensive and diverse group of toxic substances of chemical and biological origin. Most often in the world practice, pesticides are understood as a collective name for chemical plant protection agents. All pesticides are physiologically active substances, their accumulation in the body can lead to severe acute and chronic poisoning, cause the growth of neoplasms, have mutagenic and teratogenic effect.  
A GMO is any organism in which the genetic material has been altered by artificial gene transfer techniques that do not occur under natural conditions. The worldwide cultivation of genetically modified varieties focuses on four types of crops: soybeans, corn, cotton and canola. There is no standard approval process for growing or handling GM crops around the world. Each country has its own laws regarding this issue.