Microprocessor analyzer; four-channel optical coagulometer for determining the main parameters of hemostasis in a human citrate sample.
It is intended for in-vitro testing of coagulation parameters in clinical laboratories. A coagulation assay with fibrin formation as an endpoint can be performed on the instrument, as well as a special test, a one-factor assay, such as Antithrombin III. The main principle used is an optical colorimeter.
Tests are available on the device:
1. Prothrombin time: PT / IF
2. Activated partial thromboplastin time: APTT / APTT
3. Fibrinogen: FIB / PIB
4. Thrombin time: TT / TC
The principle of measurement is extended light scattering
Reagent type – open
Use of reagent - 50 μl
Use of the test - PM, PMTC, PM Fibrinogen and coagulation factors
The test wavelength is 470 nm
The number of channels is 4-channel
Preliminary heating of samples - 24 positions
Preheating of reagents - 6 positions
Separation accuracy – CV < 2%
Accuracy of temperature control is 37°C ± 0.3°C
Reproducibility – APTCH ± 2s
Stability - АХТЧ ± 2s
Channel stability - frequency response of each channel ± 2s
Linearity error – coefficient of linear correlation of fibrinogen concentration: r2 > 0.98
Memory – 5000 results (500 identifiers, 10 tests for each identifier)
Power supply unit - 230 V DC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Port – PS-232, PC connection
The printer is a built-in thermal printer, the paper width is 57 mm
Report - Date and ID
Working environment - 15°С - 30°С
Humidity < 90%
Dimensions - 400 mm (L) x 274 mm (W) x 350 mm (H)
Weight - 10 kg